- 競馬の良さ
- 競馬の意味
- 東京と競馬
- 競馬のシンプルな部分
- 禅と競馬の関係
※日本の競馬 今日もどこかで馬は生まれる
1. 競馬の良さ
Horse racing is appealing because of its speed, its instantaneous decisions, and the competition that accompanies that excitement.
It is not surprising that nomads, who enjoy living in a variety of locations, are attracted to the entertainment that is horse racing, an exciting part of the nomadic lifestyle.
Horse racing is not only exciting as a sport, but also has a wide range of cultural, historical, and ecological attractions. The freedom of a nomadic lifestyle and the instant excitement of horse racing go hand in hand.
Because nomads have a lifestyle that is not confined to a place, they can experience racetracks and horse cultures from all over the world, and this diversity is what captures the hearts of nomads and multiplies the appeal of horse racing.

“競馬に最適な、ノマドライフとの付き合い方を具体的に考える・The best way to deal with nomadic life in horse racing, in concrete terms” の続きを読む