Apple Mac miniに最適な、ノマドライフとの付き合い方を具体的に考える・Specifics on how to best use the Apple Mac mini with nomadic lifestyles.

Apple Mac mini

Mac miniで都会の中の禅のようなシンプルさを見つける


  1. Apple Mac miniの魅力とは?
  2. ノマドライフに最適なMac miniの使い方
  3. 東京とApple Mac mini: 都会の中の静寂
  4. Mac miniのシンプルな部分の魅力
  5. 禅とMac mini: テクノロジーと哲学のクロスオーバー

1. Apple Mac miniの魅力とは?

Apple Mac miniはその名前の通り、小さく、ポータブルでありながら、Appleの高いパフォーマンスを持ったデスクトップコンピュータです。

Mac miniのコンパクトなデザインは、スペースを取らないことから、ノマドライフに最適と言えるでしょう、そのサイズの中に、Appleが提供する最先端の技術が詰まっています。

Apple Mac miniは、Apple Silicon M1チップセットの登場により、これまでのイメージを大きく変える存在となりました、M1はApple自身が設計したARMベースのプロセッサであり、これにより高いパフォーマンスと効率が得られます。

例えば、IntelベースのMacと比較した際、Mac miniは消費電力を大幅に削減しつつ、処理速度は2倍以上の高速化を実現しています、特にグラフィックスやAIタスクにおいて顕著な性能向上が見られます。

“Apple Mac miniに最適な、ノマドライフとの付き合い方を具体的に考える・Specifics on how to best use the Apple Mac mini with nomadic lifestyles.” の続きを読む

Specifics on how best to deal with nomadic lifestyles for digital nomads.

Digital nomad


  1. The advantages of being a digital nomad
  2. What it means to be a digital nomad
  3. Digital nomads in tokyo
  4. The simple part of being a digital nomad
  5. The relationship between zen and the digital nomad

1.The advantages of being a digital nomad

Digital nomad refers to a lifestyle of working without being bound to a specific location.

Its greatest appeal is the freedom of not being tied to a location.
This freedom allows them to gain experience in different cultures and new environments, which also brings new inspiration and perspectives.

Freedom and Flexibility
The most attractive aspect of being a digital nomad is the freedom to work from anywhere and at any time.

This offers the opportunity to improve quality of life and use personal time more meaningfully.

Encounter new cultures
Traveling and working around the world increases your contact with different cultures.

This broadens your horizons and allows you to learn new ways of thinking and values.

“Specifics on how best to deal with nomadic lifestyles for digital nomads.” の続きを読む

競馬に最適な、ノマドライフとの付き合い方を具体的に考える・The best way to deal with nomadic life in horse racing, in concrete terms



  1. 競馬の良さ
  2. 競馬の意味
  3. 東京と競馬
  4. 競馬のシンプルな部分
  5. 禅と競馬の関係

日本の競馬 今日もどこかで馬は生まれる

1. 競馬の良さ





Horse racing is appealing because of its speed, its instantaneous decisions, and the competition that accompanies that excitement.

It is not surprising that nomads, who enjoy living in a variety of locations, are attracted to the entertainment that is horse racing, an exciting part of the nomadic lifestyle.

Horse racing is not only exciting as a sport, but also has a wide range of cultural, historical, and ecological attractions. The freedom of a nomadic lifestyle and the instant excitement of horse racing go hand in hand.

Because nomads have a lifestyle that is not confined to a place, they can experience racetracks and horse cultures from all over the world, and this diversity is what captures the hearts of nomads and multiplies the appeal of horse racing.

“競馬に最適な、ノマドライフとの付き合い方を具体的に考える・The best way to deal with nomadic life in horse racing, in concrete terms” の続きを読む